Our 60th Birthday Weekend, Klosters, 17th -19th June 2022

Welcome to our 60th Birthday Website.
Here you can find out the latest plans for what’s going on.
Click on the Events below, or scroll down, to find out all the details.

Friday 17th June 16:00: Golf Tournament, Klosters Golf Club
Friday 17th June 18:00: Apero + Optional Dinner, Teehutte, Klosters Golf Club
Saturday 18th June 10:00:  Walk or Bike Picnic, Klosters Arena Car Park
Saturday 18th June 18:00:  Main Event at Berghaus AlpenRoesli
Sunday 19th June 12:00: Open house by us in Serneus

Looking Forward to seeing you soon
Heather (Raki) and Martin (Rard)

Email: party@rakirard.ch
Phone: +41792055394

No Birthday Presents please

Instead please consider supporting people less fortunate than us , by donating to charity.
These are some of our favourite:

9-Hole Fun Golf Tournament on a beautiful course with prizes !

For those that are up for a fun round of Golf, we have arranged a little tournament.
The course is a little hilly, but Golf carts will be provided. You need to bring your clubs.
If you don’t have any clubs, email us in advance, we may be able to arrange some for you.
Please send us your handicap in advance, either in the form below or by email
so your cards can be created for you.

Meeting Date and Time:
Friday 17th June 15:45
Meeting Location:
Golf Klosters, Selfrangastrasse 44,
7250 Klosters (See Map)
Tee-off Times begin: 16:00
Bus: 234 from Klosters Platz at xx:35 (once per hour)
Get the 15:35 if playing golf.

Check the Start List for your tee time

Prizes include:
* Highest Stableford Score (Men & Women)
* Lowest Brutto Score (Men & Women)
* Highest AGS (Men & Women)
* Largest number of lost balls (Men & Women)
* Most interesting Golf outfit

If there is a tie, winners will be drawn from a hat

Apero & Optional Dinner in a wonderful restaurant overlooking the golf course

After the Golf tournament we will have an Apero and Prize Giving at the Teehütte that is in the middle of the Golf Course. The Golf Club “Food Truck” (a big Golf cart!) will provide transport to the Teehütte.
Non-golfers are also welcome to join us at the Teehütte.
We invite you to the Apero but if you wish to join us for dinner, this will be at your own expense.
Vegetarian as well as Meat/Fish options will be available for both the Apero and Dinner menus.
If you are staying for dinner. please help the Chef by choosing your main course from the menu below.
We need to know this information by Friday 10th June. Thanks for your understanding.

Dress code: Smart casual / Golf attire

Meeting Date and Time:
Friday 17th June 17:30
Meeting Location:
Golf Klosters, Selfrangastrasse 44, 7250 Klosters (See Map)
Bus: 234 from Klosters Platz at xx:35 (once per hour) then walk up the hill to the club.

Shuttle Service from the Golf Club upto the Teehütte

Optional 3-course Dinner only CHF55 including wine

To keep costs down, the Chef would like you to take a look at the Menu and make your selection for Main course.

Alp Novai Walk

Walk or Cycle/eBike to Alp Novai for a picnic

Saturday morning, we’ll have a gentle walk along the river, largely on the flat, to a picnic site near Alp Novai.
If you feel more energetic and have an eBike, we can go up to Berghaus Vereina first (a climb of about 900m) then down to Alp Novai.

We expect around 35 of you will join us here, so please bring your own picnic.
There is a Coop supermarket near to Klosters Platz.

Meeting Date and Time:
Saturday 18th June 10:00
Meeting Location:
Klosters Arena carpark  (See Map)
If the weather forecast is bad with rain, we may be forced to cancel this

E-Bike Hire Suggestions:

The Main Event: Apero and Dinner in the hills overlooking Klosters

The main event is an Apero (weather permitting) on the terrace of the Hotel Alpenroesli in the hills above Klosters, and a main meal in the lovely wooden inside restaurant.
The Hotel is only accessible via a narrow private road, which isn’t ideal to drive on late at night. Also there is very little parking up there. So we will have transport to and from the Alpenroesli starting from and arriving at the Klosters Platz Railway station. This transport will be scheduled to connect with the taxi bus that goes from Klosters-Serneus-Saas.

Dress Code: Smart casual (we’re pretty laid back in the mountains !)

Meeting Date and Time:
Saturday 18th June 17:15
Meeting Location:
Klosters Platz Railway station
(Opposite Hotel Alpina)
Transport up:
Free Bus Service will run between ca 17:15 and 17:45
Transport return:
First bus at ca 22:00
(to connect with the taxibus at 22:33)
Last bus at ca 23:00
(to connect  with the last taxibus at 23:33)

The Menu

Dinner will be a 3 course menu, which has  a mixture of vegetarian and meat/fish options. We’ve chosen some local options to give you a flavour for Klosters and  Graubunden cuisine – but don’t worry they are all relatively normal !


Midday Cakes and Snacks in Serneus on your way back home

We’d like to invite you to our home in Serneus on your way back to Zurich or wherever you are heading.
We’ll just have some home made cakes, snacks and drinks and have another chance to have a chat – just in case we haven’t managed to in the previous two days.
Hopefully the weather will be good and we’ll have tables and benches outside.

Meeting Date and Time:
Sunday 19th June 12:00
Meeting Location:
Capeiraweg 6, 7249 Serneus (See Map). We are at the end of this short road.
There won’t be any parking by the house.
Please park in the large car park down by the river near the “Walki” bus stop.
Walk up the “Walkiweg” to get up to Capeiraweg or the main road to “Capeira” bus stop and left into Capeiraweg
Coming by bus ?
The 231 Yellow Post Bus stops at Serneus “Capeira”. Walk up the little road next to the bus stop (Capeiraweg).